
Saftey recom­mend­a­tions

Please take a look at our safety recom­mend­a­tions.

ISO 9001 qual­ity assurance 

We are cer­ti­fied accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. Cer­ti­fi­acte


Dun­ze GmbH offers plan­ning and design tasks of high-pres­sure com­pon­ents for cus­tom­ers. This includes design and draw­ing of the com­pon­ents, accept­ance and oth­er ser­vices needed for pre­par­ing the pro­duc­tion of high-pres­sure products.

Pres­sure equip­ment acceptance

We also offer pres­sure equip­ment accept­ance ser­vices for cus­tom­ers accord­ing to cur­rent reg­u­la­tions. If needed in cooper­a­tion with the respons­ible super­vis­ory authority.

Assembly and assembly supervision

Dun­ze GmbH also offers the assembly of high-pres­sure sys­tems on the cus­tom­ers’ side. This includes the qual­i­fied con­duct, pres­sure test and accept­ance of the system.

Pres­sure and burst tests

We per­form pres­sure and burst tests for pres­sure up to 14,000 bars.

Load altern­a­tion tests

We per­form load altern­a­tion test for pres­sures up to 10,000 bars.


We auto­frettage hydraul­ic com­pon­ents with pres­sure up to 16,000 bars.

Main­ten­ance and repair work

We offer main­ten­ance and repair works for our hydraul­ic com­pon­ents for and afford­able price and with­ing short time.