PT 100

About the product

A PT 100 tem­per­at­ure sensor ele­ment is a plat­in­um res­ist­or with a nom­in­al res­ist­ance of 100 Ω at 0 ° C. If the tem­per­at­ure is now changed in the meas­ur­ing range, the res­ist­ance of the plat­in­um res­ist­ance sensor changes due to the metal­lic prop­er­ties. Because of this, a tem­per­at­ure meas­ure­ment is possible. 

The tem­per­at­ure sensor is very robust and largely insens­it­ive to elec­tric­al inter­fer­ence, mak­ing it suit­able for many applic­a­tions. They are designed for a tem­per­at­ure range of ‑200 ° C to 850 ° C.

For more inform­a­tion about the PT 100 or oth­er res­ist­ance tem­per­at­ure sensors please con­tact us!