Hand spindle pumps

About the product

Spindle pumps are suit­able for gen­er­at­ing high stat­ic liquid pres­sures in smal­ler volumes. Manu­ally oper­ated spindle pumps allow pres­sures to be applied very pre­cisely without slip-stick effect. The spindle pumps are very reli­able. Many cus­tom­ers have been oper­at­ing our spindle pumps for dec­ades without chan­ging the seals.

Our manu­al spindle pumps cov­er pres­sure ranges up to 16.000 bar. All parts in con­tact with the medi­um are made of stain­less steel. These spindle pumps are also avail­able with step­per motor drive, pneu­mat­ic drive and as func­tion­al systems.