Elec­tric driv­en spindle pumps

About the product

  • Ser­vo­mo­tor drive of the spindle pump; 1.45 kW rated power at 3000 rpm

Spindle pumps are suit­able for gen­er­at­ing high stat­ic pres­sures in small volumes. Our spindle pumps cov­er all pres­sure ranges up to 16.000 bars. With motor spindle pumps exact pres­sures can be achieved faintly with a high pre­ci­sion and without a stick-slip effect. The medi­um con­tact­ing parts are made of stain­less steel.

We sup­ply spindle pumps with step­per motor or syn­chron­ous motor with the accord­ing con­trolling unit. Each pump is equipped with a pos­i­tion sensor which pre­cisely indic­ates the pos­i­tion of the pis­ton. With elec­tric­ally oper­ated pumps, a high­er stroke volume can be achieved than with manu­ally oper­ated pumps. A step­per motor with gear­box provides the required power. The design of the engine is made after con­sulta­tion with our cus­tom­ers. By using two spindle pumps pulsa­tion-free deliv­ery can be achieved. The cor­res­pond­ing elec­tric­al con­trol and reg­u­la­tion ele­ments are provided on request.